
The National Development Council on social policy


On 19 May, the sixth meeting of the National Development Council was held in the Chancellery of the President under the title: “Social policy after a quarter of a century of changes: solidarity, social investment, shared responsibility.” Minister Elżbieta Rafalska participated in the meeting.


“Social policy towards the elderly, the provision of care services and the availability of not only institutional forms of care are some of the most serious challenges which we are facing now,” said Elżbieta Rafalska, Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy.


Participants of the meeting in the Presidential Palace discussed, among other things, the governmental programme ‘Family 500 plus,’ lowering of the retirement age and strengthening of the role of civic organisations.


In her speech, Minister Elżbieta Rafalska referred to the ‘Family 500 plus’ programme, which, in her opinion, is a large investment, justified by the great role of the family but also in the face of demographic changes.


The National Development Council on social policy The National Development Council... The National Development Council on social policy The National Development Council...
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