
“500 plus” has already produced concrete results


“Investment in the family is the best investment,” said Prime Minister Beata Szydło during the conference summarising three months of the “Family 500 plus” programme. “I am very proud, because the programme has already produced concrete results.”


The Prime Minister recalled that from the beginning, support for families has not been only a slogan of the election campaign, but a priority for the current government. This programme is the first, but not the last, activity serving these purposes.


“Our goal is a Polish family living in dignity, having sufficiently high income and adequate conditions for raising children,” the Prime Minister said. She also turned to critics of the programme, “ask families in the province or in cities, those who did not have enough income to fulfil the dreams of children. Listen to their individual stories about how they can finally go on holiday and no longer have to buy food on credit.”


up Last update: 30-11-2020
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