
The unemployment rate at the level of 9.6 per cent in November


The Central Statistical Office reports that in November this year the unemployment rate is 9.6 per cent. That is less than indicated by the estimates of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy.


At the end of November this year, labour offices had job offers for 73.5 thousand people (a year ago, it was 56.4 thousand). The lowest unemployment rate was recorded in the following voivodships: Wielkopolskie (6.1%), Śląskie (8.1%), Małopolskie (8.2%), Mazowieckie (8.4%) and Dolnoślaskie (8.5%).


In November, the unemployment rate was the same as in October. Experts point out that in December it should remain at a single-digit level. 

up Last update: 30-11-2020
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