
Poland’s unemployment rate at 6.1% in May


Unemployment rate amounted to 6.1% in May 2018. In comparison to April 2018 this is a decrease by 0.2 percentage point. The unemployment rate decreased in all Voivodships from 0.2% to 0.6%.


The number of unemployed in May 2018 amounted a little over 1 million people. In comaprison to April 2018 it decreased by 39 thousand people (by 3.7%).


Unemployment fell in all voivodeships. The most significant decrease was observed in warmińsko-mazurskie (by 5.7%), opolskie (by 5.5%), zachodniopomorskie (by 5.0% and wielkopolskie (by 4.6%).


Unemployment rate amounted to 6.1% in May 2018. In comparison to April 2018 this is a decrease by 0.2 percentage point. Compared to May 2017 unemployment rate in May 2018 was lower by 1.2%.

up Last update: 30-11-2020
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