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Visit of Bishop Rabbana al-Qasa


On February 21st, Minister Elżbieta Rafalska met with the bishop of the Chaldean diocese of Zakho and Amadiya in Iraq (Kurdistan) at the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy.


Meeting in the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy


On February 21st, 2018 Minister E. Rafalska met Mr Francisco Javier Sanabria Valderrama, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain in Poland.


Agreement between the Republic of Poland and the Republic of Korea


Agreement between the Republic of Poland and the Republic of Korea on a Working Holiday Programme was signed.


Favourable changes for social cooperatives


Easier functioning for social cooperatives due to new instruments of aid under the State Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons and the Labour Fund – these are only a few of the changes under the Act amending the Act on social cooperatives and certain other acts signed by the President of the Republic of Poland.


New year in family and social policy


What changes await us in 2018? They includes development of places of care for the youngest, investment in activity and support for seniors, and further steps of the “For Life” programme.


Problem of violence against women in Poland against a background of the EU


In March 2015, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights published the results of the largest global survey on violence against women[1]. It shows the commonness of the phenomenon of violence, taking into account both the adult life experiences as well as the cases of physical and sexual violence, faced by the respondents in their childhood.


Merry Christmas


Christmas marks a unique time for Polish families. Celebrations of the one of the most important Christian feasts have been strongly embedded in Polish history and tradition. Christmas is a time which unifies Polish families around the Christmas Eve table. The wafer they share with each other during the festive supper is a sign of community, forgiveness, mutual loyalty and thoughtfulness.



Easter wishes


Ladies and Gentlemen, I wish all of you that the coming holidays fulfil the promise of the Resurrection also in your life. May faith reign in all homes and families, may love be born and hope last.


Informal meeting of the EPSCO


On 3 and 4 April 2017, Minister Marcin Zieleniecki, Undersecretary of State, is participating in an informal meeting of Ministers of Employment and Social Policy in Valletta. The main topic of the meeting is “making work pay.”


EC forecasts: low unemployment and GDP growth


According to a study published by the European Commission, economic growth in Poland is expected to accelerate in 2017 and 2018.

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