

Stanisław Szwed, Secretary of State


Graduated from the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, faculty of Public Administration and Bielsko-Biała University of Administration. Member of Polish Sejm of 3rd, 5th, 6th and current, 8th term. In the parliament, he worked in the Social Policy and family Committee (as deputy chairman), standing Sub-committee for the amendment of the Labour Code and standing Sub-committee for labour market, as well as Special Committee for Codification changes.


As the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social policy, he is responsible for the Departments of: labour law, labour market, funds as well as dialogue and social partnership. He is a member of the Social Dialogue Council established at the Polish President’s office. Moreover, the competences of Deputy Minister Szwed include: Voluntary Labour Corps, Central Institute for Labour Protection and Centre for Social Partnership – ‘Dialog’.

He was awarded the title ‘Man of the Year 2006’ by ‘Tygodnik Solidarność’ and Halina Krahelska award for achievements in labour protection, health protection at work.


He worked for Manufacturer of Saws and Tools ‘Wapienica’ S.A. in Bielsko-Biała. Since 1980 he is a member of NSZZ ‘Solidarność’. He was deputy chairman of the Masovia Region of NSZZ ‘Solidarność’ and chairman of the section of metalworkers. Since 2006 he is the chairman of the National Congress of ‘Solidarność’ Delegates.

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