
The address of main seat:
ul. Nowogrodzka 1/3/5
00-513 Warszawa

working hours: 8:15 - 16:15
telephone exchange: +48 22 661 10 00


unit telephone number fax and email adress
Elżbieta Rafalska
+ 48 22 661 11 02 + 48 22 661 11 01

Secretary of State, Government Plenipotent for Disabled People

Krzysztof Michałkiewicz

+ 48 22 661 12 20 + 48 22 661 12 21

Secretary of State

Stanisław Szwed

+ 48 22 661 11 91 + 48 22 661 11 90
Undersecretary of State 
Marcin Zieleniecki
+ 48 22 661 11 32 + 48 22 661 11 33

Undersecretary of State

Elżbieta Bojanowska
+ 48 22 661 12 37 + 48 22 661-12-48

Undersecretary of State

Bartosz Marczuk
+ 48 22 529 07 30 + 48 22 529 07 30
Director General of Ministry
Teresa Tybiszewska
+ 48 22 661 15 12 + 48 22 661 13 01
Political Cabinet
Head of the Political Cabinet
Paweł Ludniewski
+ 48 22 661 12 27 + 48 22 661 15 10

Department of Economic Analyses and Forecasts
director  Małgorzata Sarzalska

vice-director Cezary Gaweł

+ 48 22 661 16 91

+ 48 22 661 16 90

Department of Social Dialogue and Social Partnership
director Marek Waleśkiewicz

vice-director Agata Oklińska
+ 48 22 661 16 38 + 48 22 661 16 40

Department of Coordination of Social Schemes
director Robert Wójcik

vice-director Michał Drozdowicz

+ 48 22 529 06 89 + 48 22 529 06 91

Department of Funds

director Ireneusz Baranowski

vice-director Katarzyna Klimiuk

+ 48 22 438 93 13 + 48 22 438 93 374

Department of IT
director  Marek Kulawczyk

vice-director Dorota Dołkowska

+ 48 22 661 18 00 + 48 22 661 18 03

Department of Social Assistance and Integration
director Krystyna Wyrwicka

vice-director  Marzena Bartosiewicz

vice-director  Justyna Pawlak

+ 48 22 661 12 77

+ 48 22 661 12 76

Department of Public Gain
director Andżelika Wardęga

vice-director Elżbieta Woźniak-Sionek

+ 48 22 661 11 46 + 48 22 661 14 60

Department of Labour Law
director Anita Gwarek

vice-director Magdalena Klimczak-Nowacka

vice-director Agnieszka Wołoszyn

+ 48 22 661 14 53 + 48 22 661 15 54

Department of Labour Market
director Hanna Świątkiewicz-Zych

vice-director Beata Czajka
vice-director Magdalena Sweklej
+ 48 22 529 07 40

+ 48 22 529 07 41

Department of Family Policy
director Olgierd Podgórski

vice-director Dorota Gierej

+ 48 22 529 06 60

+ 48 22 529 06 61

Department of Senior Policy

director  Lidia Ułanowska

+ 48 22 661 18 47

+ 48 22 661 18 57

Department of Social Insurance
director Mariusz Kubzdyl

+ 48 22 661 17 38

+ 48 22 661 17 36

Department of Implementing the European Social Fund
director Monika Zielińska-Choina

vice-director Aneta Zaraś

+ 48 22 461 63 04

+ 48 22 461 63 05
+ 48 22 461 62 64
+ 48 22 693 45 20
Department of International Cooperation
director Monika Szostak
+ 48 22 529 07 10

+ 48 22 529 07 11 

Department of Coordination of Social Security Systems

director Robert Wójcik

vice-director Michał Drozdowicz

+ 48 22 529 06 90

+ 48 22 529 06 91

Office of the Government Plenipotentiary for Disabled People

director Michał Pelczarski

+ 48 22 461 60 00 + 48 22 461 60 02
Director General's Office
director Marzenna Kołodziejak
vice-director Izabela Żarczyńska
+ 48 22 661 13 60


+ 48 22 661 12 23


Minister's Office
director Grażyna Ożarek

vice-director Magdalena Kłosińska

+ 48 22 661 13 47

+ 48 22 661 13 36

Budget Office
director Maria Kałuska

vice-director Iwona Sadowska

+ 48 22 661 15 15 + 48 22 661 12 80

Office of Administration
director Sylwia Boratyńska

+ 48 22 661 14 35 + 48 22 661 12 80

Department of Law
director Magdalena Fabisiak

vice-director Iwona Ziendalska

+ 48 22 661 12 49 + 48 22 661 13 13
Control Office
director Marcin Szemraj
+ 48 22 380 51 45 + 48 22 380 51 46

Promotion Office

director Małgorzata Czerepak

+48 22 661 11 10

+48 22 661 12 26 - for press contact


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