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“Yellow card” for the EC proposal on the posting of workers


The draft amendment to Directive 96/71/EC on the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services proposed by the European Commission met with opposition from national parliaments of 11 countries, including Poland.


Changes in the posting of workers


The Act on the posting of workers has been adopted by the Council of Ministers. Changes concern, inter alia, determination of the principles of employee protection and the cooperation of the National Labour Inspectorate with similar institutions in other countries.


Hourly minimum wage of PLN 12


Since 1 July 2016, the hourly minimum wage of PLN 12 will apply for contracts of mandate and contracts for services. The bill was submitted to public consultation.


The end of the year with single-digit unemployment


In December 2015, the registered unemployment rate was 9.8 per cent. Such a good result at the end of the year has not been recorded since 2008.


In 2016, the minimum wage will be PLN 1850


Since 1 January 2016, the minimum wage which an employer must pay an employee working under the employment contract will be PLN 1850. This means an increase of PLN 100 compared to 2015. Therefore, an employee earning the national minimum wage will receive about PLN 1355 net. Lower wage would constitute a violation of employee rights.


The unemployment rate at the level of 9.6 per cent in November


The Central Statistical Office reports that in November this year the unemployment rate is 9.6 per cent. That is less than indicated by the estimates of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy.


Single-digit unemployment rate maintained


In November this year, the unemployment rate was 9.7%, as indicated by the estimates of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy. This is another month in which unemployment remains at a single-digit level.

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